I bought a Crack off ebay some time ago, pre-built. It came with AΞON output capacitors. I've since replaced the RCAs with Neutrik ones and the headphone jack with a Neutrik latching jawn. The octal tube socket just plain sucks and the signal started becoming intermittent, so I took the amp out of commission and I am going to do a whole slew of things to it.
- I ordered new tube sockets. They are the teflon composite type from Parts Connexion. They have a silver-plated crown springs inside the contacts made of beryllium copper.
- The capacitors came dangling. I just used packing tape to keep them held up. It works and can't easily be seen because it's clear. It's not ideal so I designed some brackets in SketchUp and are having them made at shapeways for $3.96 apiece. They made specifically for my capacitors, and you can see the slots for the zip tie. Click this sentence to visit the site and maybe purchase them. I don't get anything for it. I designed them and put them up for everybody.
- The headphone jack is crooked and could use some mounting work. I am going to look for a machinist to just nip into the top plate a tiny bit to the shape of the jack's flange so it absolutely will not move.
- I am replacing all hardware with torx hardware. I haven't found a place where I can get all the same alloy for all of the sizes I need and inexpensive. McMaster-Carr has them all for cheap, but in different alloys. Aaron's has any size you can imagine and in whatever alloy you want, but small quantities are expensive. I would maybe go for larger quantities if people would go in on a buy (hint hint). Fastenal doesn't really have anything, anymore.
- I am going to have the top plate and transformer end bell powder coated.
- I am looking to add in an audio spectrum analyzer circuit I bought some time ago. I would like it to be after the volume control. Will there be any impedance problems?
- I am looking to add a timed relay circuit that won't connect the headphone output at power on until a set amount of time.
- The Speedball upgrade will be done. What hardware does that kit use? If I have excess quantities from the bulk I order for the Crack itself it would be nice to have these used for mounting the Speedball.
- I am thinking about solid silver wire with cloth insulation, and not with PVC or teflon innards. Does anyone know of a place that sells a decent selection of sizes and colors (red, white, and black)? I found a place in the UK, but I would prefer somewhere in North America.
So far I'm impressed with the amp. I didn't think the sound would change that much from the on-board amp on my STX card. Naysayers obviously don't understand that impedance is only measured at one frequency point and high-impedance headphones like my HD-650s are quite demanding of power for bass. You need a healthy reserve of power to drive low frequencies. More Updates to come.